Shop-built tanks to 50,000 gallons in size
Fuel tanks – single and double wall, fire protected, horizontal and vertical to the following standards: Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Steel Tank Institute F921 double wall, Fireguard protected and FlameShield tanks
Water tanks – galvanized vertical in stock from 450 – 10,000 gallons AWWA water tanks to 30,000 gallons
Special tanks – custom tanks including those fabricated from carbon steel and various stainless alloys
Pressure vessels – as specified by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Ducts – to 9’ dia x 3/8’ in carbon and stainless.
Reactors – stainless cyclonic type capable of operating up to 2300 degrees F.
Special projects – examples include stainless nuclear reactor storage vessel for Sandia National Laboratory and radioactive waste storage vessel for Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Certifications & Standards
